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Image of the Venue
Image of the Venue
Image of the Venue
Image of the Venue

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Über uns

Karibu Flow is a Fitness and Movement Studio where you will learn to understand your body and how, through movement, you can take your strength, coordination, stability, power, flexibility and mobility to the next level.

Our classes:

  • Animal Flow
  • Power KORE
  • Barre Fit
  • Barre for Pregnancy
  • Karibu Balance
  • Yoga

Other services:

  • Personal training:
  • Pilates Mat
  • Pilates with Implements
  • Pilates Barre
  • Pilates Pregnancy
  • Pilates Post Natal
  • Weight loss
  • Injury Recovery
  • Physical Preparation

















Birsig-Parkplatz 40 , 4051 Basel




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Freundlichkeit & Service

unfulfilled rating scoreunfulfilled rating scoreunfulfilled rating scoreunfulfilled rating scoreunfulfilled rating scoreunfulfilled rating scoreunfulfilled rating scoreunfulfilled rating scoreunfulfilled rating scoreunfulfilled rating scoreunfulfilled rating scoreunfulfilled rating scoreunfulfilled rating scoreunfulfilled rating scoreunfulfilled rating scoreunfulfilled rating scoreunfulfilled rating scoreunfulfilled rating scoreunfulfilled rating scoreunfulfilled rating scoreunfulfilled rating scoreunfulfilled rating scoreunfulfilled rating scoreunfulfilled rating scoreunfulfilled rating scoreunfulfilled rating scoreunfulfilled rating scoreunfulfilled rating scoreunfulfilled rating scoreunfulfilled rating scoreunfulfilled rating scoreunfulfilled rating scoreunfulfilled rating scoreunfulfilled rating scoreunfulfilled rating scoreunfulfilled rating scoreunfulfilled rating scoreunfulfilled rating scoreunfulfilled rating scoreunfulfilled rating scoreunfulfilled rating scoreunfulfilled rating scoreunfulfilled rating scoreunfulfilled rating scoreunfulfilled rating scoreunfulfilled rating scoreunfulfilled rating scoreunfulfilled rating scoreunfulfilled rating scoreunfulfilled rating score



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Über das Team


I have an University Degree in Physical Education, a Master Degree in Clinical Trials, several Official Certifications and more than 15 years of experience in the Health and Sport area. 

My passion for physical activity has led me to practice many sports disciplines for years, such as martial arts, dance and parkour, among others. Since 2009 I have been an instructor of directed activities and a personal trainer, having extensive experience in countless fitness and health fields. I have worked in Pilates Studios, Rehabilitation Clinics and Sports Clubs where I had the opportunity to work with different clients and patients like athletes, pregnancy ladies and people with different necessities.

I am a passionate of the movement and Karibu Flow is the best place to put in practice my passion.

Welcome to Karibu Flow!

Häufig gestellte Fragen

If you are passionate about movement, Karibu Flow is your place. Through our classes you will discover all the movement potential that humans have. Centuries ago we stopped hunting to eat, centuries ago we stopped climbing a tree to be safe, centuries ago we stopped running barefoot. Experience with us again that unique experience of being a human animal and have fun like a child doing sports with us 🦥 Welcome to Karibu Flow!!! 🐒
Please come in comfortable sportswear so you can move freely, bring water and a towel, and above all, bring the best of you. Remember, you're here to learn and have fun 🦎
Staying hydrated never hurts. A towel is mandatory for training. Everything else is provided by us (class materials such as mat, elastic bands, weights, etc.) 🐘
Cancel it, give someone else the opportunity to attend the class instead. Remember that classes cancelled 24 hours in advance will be honored so you can use it another time, otherwise it will be used and there will be no possibility of recovery or refund 🦍
If you have any questions or concerns, please contact or speak to the Karibu Flow team in person. Thank you very much for your cooperation and have a good workout 🦓

Angebotene Sportarten und Aktivitäten

  • Pilates

  • Personal Training

  • Funktionelles Training

  • Hatha Yoga

  • Pilates-Barre au sol

  • Core

  • Pilates Mat

  • Cardio Pilates

  • Bodybalance

  • Pilates auf Englisch

  • Animal Flow

  • Barre

  • Therapeutisches Yoga

  • Funktionelle Bewegung

  • Persönliches Coaching

  • Pilates in der Schwangerschaft

  • Movement Flow

  • Classic Pilates

  • Yoga in English

  • Postnatales Pilates

Wusstest du, dass dich dein Arbeitgeber bei deiner Sportroutine unterstützen kann? Weitere Infos