inkl. REPLAY Videothek
CHF49,00 / month *
CHF 189.00 / month
*49.00 CHF / month within the first 4 months. Afterwards 189.00 CHF / month.
Minimum runtime: 12 months
Unlimited participations


MEMBERSHIP 12 Monatsabo | Mit unseren Memberships kannst du an so vielen Klassen teilnehmen, wie du möchtest. Ein Membership Vertrag lohnt sich, wenn du regelmässig mehr als einmal die Woche bei uns übst.

Mit dieser Membership hast Du unbeschränkten Zugang auf die gesamte ATHAYOGA Online REPLAY Videothek.

Die Bezahlung ist monatlich und wird Deiner Kreditkarte belastet.

Payment terms & cancellation

Your initial payment is due on 18/10/2024. Within the first 4 months, you only pay a discounted rate of 49.00 CHF / month. Afterwards, the charge will increase to the standard rate of 189.00 CHF / month. To avoid automatic renewal, ensure you cancel before your 12 months term ends. Otherwise, your membership will automatically renew at the standard rate of 189.00 CHF / month starting 18/10/2025. If you purchase your membership online, you can cancel it online in the membership details. If you buy the membership directly at the facility, the cancellation must be submitted in written form to the facility. By completing the purchase you verify that you are at least 18 years old.

* All prices including VAT