Guided Meditation - A Neuroscience Approach @ Yoga in a Bag Dietikon
Guided Meditation - A Neuroscience Approach @ Yoga in a Bag Dietikon

Guided Meditation - A Neuroscience Approach

Guided Meditation - A Neuroscience Approach @ Yoga in a Bag Dietikon
Guided Meditation - A Neuroscience Approach @ Yoga in a Bag Dietikon

Our brain is the most complex organ with the ability to generate up to 70000 thoughts a day. Do all those thoughts play in your favour? Can you challenge your own thought patterns to reduce the noise? You can find out by testing it yourself. 

In this workshop, you will experience an active guided meditation session combining breathing exercises and candlelight gazing. The meditation will be followed by a deep dive into the neuroscience of meditative breathing, brainwave entrainment and some practical tips to help yourself escape the thought roller-coaster and find the answers you seek: from a quiet place. 

If you'd like to find out more about the science behind meditation and put into practice some tools to develop your meditative skills and improve your self-awareness join us for this beautiful journey. 



Samstag, 22. Februar 2025


16:00 - 18:30

(150 min)


Yoga in a Bag Dietikon 1


Limmatfeld-Strasse 14c, 8953 Dietikon





Ich bin Charlène, Yoga- und Meditationslehrerin mit den Schwerpunkten Yin Yoga, Vinyasa Flow (auf Ashtanga-Basis) und Achtsamkeitsworkshops. Ursprünglich komme ich aus der französischen Schweiz, habe aber mehrere Jahre in Berlin gelebt und gearbeitet. 2019 entschied ich mich, die Unternehmenswelt zu verlassen und ein neues Abenteuer zu beginnen. Ich reiste mehrere Monate, beginnend in Indien, wo ich meine Yogalehrer-Zertifizierung erhielt. Während meiner Reise durch Asien lernte ich verschiedene Yogastile kennen und vertiefte meine Kenntnisse in Meditationstechniken. Mit meiner langjährigen Erfahrung leite ich Gruppenunterricht, Retreats und Workshops. Bei Yoga in a Bag unterrichte ich auf Englisch und Französisch und bringe meine internationale Lehrerfahrung ein. Erfahre mehr über meine Reise hier: Ich unterrichte auf Englisch. *** I am Charlène, a yoga and meditation teacher specializing in Yin Yoga, Vinyasa Flow (based on Ashtanga), and mindfulness workshops. Originally from the French-speaking part of Switzerland, I lived and worked in Berlin for several years. In 2019, I decided to leave the corporate world and embark on a new adventure. I spent several months traveling, starting in India, where I earned my yoga teacher certification. During my travels across Asia, I explored various yoga styles and deepened my knowledge of meditation techniques. With my extensive experience, I now lead group classes, retreats, and workshops. At Yoga in a Bag, I teach in both English and French, bringing my international teaching experience to the mat. You can learn more about my journey here: I teach in English.


55,00 CHF





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Guided Meditation - A Neuroscience Approach


Samstag, 22. Februar 2025


16:00 - 18:30

(150 min)


