Yoga Flow EN/DE @ Yoga Studio Zürich
Yoga Flow EN/DE @ Yoga Studio Zürich

Yoga Flow EN/DE


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Yoga Flow EN/DE @ Yoga Studio Zürich
Yoga Flow EN/DE @ Yoga Studio Zürich

Mainly Vinyasa Flow influences my teaching. I like creative and intuitive sequences, allowing you to re-discover the wholeness and perfection of your soul, the beauty and strength of your body as well as the depth and power of your mind.

You might expect also elements of martial arts, qi gong, yoga nidra, yin yoga and some other practices. It is a passion of mine to weave different elements together to create something unique and wholesome for you. 

Come as you are. My classes are taught in English or (Swiss)-German.


Important: Participation in classes is at your own risk. If you have existing physical/psychological ailments, you must first check-in with a doctor to decide if a yoga class should be attended. Please inform your teacher of any physical/psychological ailments prior to class. We decline any responsibility or liability for any complaints/injuries that occur in connection with attending the yoga class.

Wichtig: Die Teilnahme am Unterricht erfolgt auf eigene Verantwortung. Bei bestehenden physischen/psychologischen Beschwerden muss vorher mit einem Arzt abgeklärt werden, ob ein Besuch einer Yogastunde sinnvoll ist. Bitte Kursleiterin über physische/psychologische Beschwerden vor Beginn der Klasse informieren. Für jegliche Beschwerden/Verletzungen, welche im Zusammenhang mit dem Besuch der Yogastunde auftreten, wird jede Verantwortung sowie Haftung seitens Kursleiterin abgelehnt.


Montag, 4. November 2024


12:00 - 13:00

(60 min)


Zwinglistrasse 8, 8004 Zürich



Michelle Basso


My own yoga journey started involuntarily at a gym 13 years ago in Zurich. 1 hour of yoga and a good teacher led me down a path where Yoga became a constant factor in some form or another. A few years later, thanks to my corporate job, I was transferred to Latin America until 2016 where I also completed my 200h Anusara Yoga Teacher Training, curious and eager to understand Yoga better. I didn’t know back then, how it would support me going forward when life threw a curve ball. For the first time I recognized: mind, body and soul are connected. So what to do with this new insight? Well....gain new ones and experiment with them. Is meditation able to reduce thoughts? How does breathwork influence the nervous system? Which poses are grounding or supply you with fresh energy? Does the repetition of mantras have a calming effect? A journey of discovery and reflection began and still continues, filled with a personal yoga practice, a deep dive into martial arts, qi gong, yoga nidra, yin yoga, a recently completed 300h Vinyasa Yoga Teacher Training and so much more. I like to weave it all together for you to re-discover the wholeness and perfection of your soul, the beauty and strength of your body as well as the depth and power of your mind. Come as you are. My classes are taught in English or Swiss-German.


2024 – 300h Vinyasa Flow Advanced Yoga Teacher Training 2023 – 40h Yin Yoga Teacher Training 2019 – 60h Yoga Nidra Teacher Training 2014 – 200h Anusara Yoga Teacher Training


70,00 CHF

Schnupperabo YSZ


0,00 CHF

Hallo Yoga Gutscheinbuch 24/25

20,00 CHF


28,00 CHF


28,00 CHF

Einzelklasse 60'




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Yoga Flow EN/DE


Montag, 4. November 2024


12:00 - 13:00

(60 min)